Real estate developer
The powers to issue the approval of real estate developers are transferred from the central level (ministry) to the local level (wilaya) by the provisions of executive decree 19-243 of September 8, 2019, modifying and supplementing executive decree n ° 12- 84 of February 20, 2012, setting the procedures for approving the exercise of the profession of real estate developer as well as the procedures for keeping the national list of real estate developers.
- Composition of the Real Estate Agent Approval Application File.
The file consists of the following documents:
- For the natural person:
- A copy of the identity document;
- Any document justifying the professional references;
- A copy of the higher diploma;
- The specifications relating to the commitments and professional responsibilities of the property developer are duly completed and signed.
- For the legal entity:
- A copy of the statutes of the legal entity;
- A copy of the official bulletin of legal announcements establishing the company;
- The extension of the deliberation during which the chairman and, possibly, the managing director or the manager were appointed, unless these are statutory;
- The specifications relating to the commitments and professional responsibilities of the property developer, duly completed and signed;
- Proof that the general manager or the statutory manager meets the professional aptitude conditions defined above, for natural persons. When the general manager or the statutory manager does not meet the conditions of aptitude provided for above, he must benefit from the permanent and effective collaboration of a natural person meeting these conditions”.
- Regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of property developer:
- Law 11-04 of February 17, 2011, JO n°14 of March 6, 2011, setting the rules governing the activity of real estate development;
- Executive Decree No. 12-84 of February 20, 2012, Official Journal No. 11 of February 26, 2012, setting the procedures for approving the exercise of the profession of real estate developer as well as the procedures for keeping the table National Council of Real Estate Developers;
- Executive Decree No. 12-85 of February 20, 2012, Official Journal No. 11 of February 26, 2012, on standard specifications setting the professional commitments and responsibilities of the property developer;
- Executive Decree No. 13-96 of February 26, 2013, Official Journal No. 13 of March 6, 2013, amending Executive Decree No. 12-84 of February 20, 2012, setting the procedures for granting authorization for the exercise of the profession of real estate developer as well as the procedures for keeping the national list of real estate developers;
- Executive Decree No. 19-243 of September 8, 2019, amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 12-84 of February 20, 2012, setting the procedures for approving the exercise of the profession of real estate developer as well as the procedures for keeping the national list of real estate developers.
- Implementing texts of Executive Decree 12-84:
- Interministerial decree of March 1, 2011, JO n° 31 of June 5, 2011, setting the conditions of eligibility of real estate developers for the interest rate subsidy;
- Interministerial decree of December 6, 2012, JO n°2 of January 13, 2013, relating to the justification of sufficient financial resources for access to the profession of real estate developer;
- Order of October 16, 2019, amending the order of January 9, 2013, setting the model for approval and registration certificate for real estate developers.