Real estate agent

Real estate agent

Real estate agent

The powers to issue the real estate agent license are transferred from the central level (ministry) to the local level (wilaya) by the provisions of executive decree 19-242 of September 8, 2019, modifying and supplementing executive decree n ° 09 -18 of January 20, 2009, setting the regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of a real estate agent.

  • Composition of the Real Estate Agent Approval Application File.

The request must be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. For natural persons:

 A copy of the identity document;

  • Justify:
    • For the activities of real estate agencies and real estate administrators, possession of a higher degree in the legal, commercial, accounting, real estate, or technical field;
    • For the activity of a broker, the possession of a diploma of higher technician in the commercial, accounting, real estate, or technical field;
  • The applicant's certificates of nationality and residence.
  1. B) For legal persons:
  • A copy of the statutes of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the official bulletin of legal announcements establishing the company;
  • The extension of the deliberation during which the chairman and, possibly, the general manager or the manager were appointed, unless they are holders;
  • Certificates of nationality and residence of the holder(s) of the entire capital;
  • Proof that the general or statutory manager meets the suitability conditions defined above. When these do not meet the conditions, the legal person must present the justification that it benefits from the permanent and effective collaboration of a natural person meeting these conditions”.
  • Regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of a real estate agent:
  1. Executive Decree No. 09-18 of 23 Moharram 1430 corresponding to January 20, 2009, JO No. 6 of January 25, 2009, setting the regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of a real estate agent;
  2. Executive Decree No. 09-322 of October 8, 2009, JO No. 59 of October 14, 2009, Page 6 Amending Executive Decree No. 09-18 of Moharram 23, 1430 corresponding to January 20, 2009, laying down the regulations relating to the exercise of real estate agent profession.
  3. Executive Decree No. 10-154 of July 17, 2010, JO No. 39 of July 23, 2010, Page 10, amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 09-18 of Moharram 23, 1430 corresponding to January 20, 2009, setting the regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of a real estate agent;
  4. Executive Decree No. 11-296 of August 18, 2011, JO No. 48 of August 24, 2011, Page 11 Amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 09-18 of Moharram 23, 1430 corresponding to January 20, 2009, laying down the regulations relating to the exercise the profession of a real estate agent;
  5. Executive Decree No. 13-154 of 4 Joumada Ethania 1434 corresponding to April 15, 2013, JO No. 22 of April 25, 2013, modifying and supplementing Executive Decree No. 11-296 of Ramadhan 18, 1432 corresponding to August 18, 2011 modifying and supplementing Executive Decree No. 09-18 of Moharram 23, 1430 corresponding to January 20, 2009, laying down the regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of a real estate agent;
  6. Executive Decree No. 19-242 of Moharram 8, 1441 corresponding to September 8, 2019, amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 09-18 of Moharram 23, 1430 corresponding to January 20, 2009, laying down the regulations relating to the exercise of the profession of agent real estate.
  7. Implementing texts of executive decree 09-18:
  8. Decree of 17 Safar 1441 corresponding to October 16, 2019, modifying the decree of 29 Safar 1432 corresponding to February 3, 2011, fixing the standard models of the approval and the professional card of the real estate agent.
  9. Tax on the certificates of approval of real estate agents
    (Law n ° 20-16 of 16 joumada el Aula 1442 corresponding to December 31, 2020, on the finance law for 2021).

Interministerial Order No. 04 of July 12, 2009, corresponding to 19 Rajab 1430 fixing the amount and form of security for the exercise of the profession of a real estate agent.


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