Building license, filing method, how to study file..

Building license, filing method, how to study file..

Building license, filing method, how to study file..

Construction License:
The building permit is considered a tribal control and protection tool for the construction process. It gives the owner the right to erect a new construction regardless of the purpose assigned to it or modify an existing construction to verify its constructive conformity with the reconstruction rules (article 42 of Decree 15/19).

Who is entitled to apply for the license:
A building permit may be applied to each of the legally licensed owners or clients or to the authority or department assigned to it by the plot of land or building, provided that this capacity is established either by a copy of the:

Individual property contract (unregistered).

- The real estate book must also be individual and not registered in Communism.

- Certificate of possession.

- A copy of the administrative contract or a copy of the basic contract (45 of Decree 15 19)

The lawmaker has made the delivery of the building permit under the guardian's jurisdiction if it concerns public or private equipment of public benefit and collective housing projects when its population exceeds 200 units and less than 600 housing units. The delivery is under the competence of the Minister in charge of Urani if it relates to:

- Public or private equipment of national benefit.

- Group housing projects when the number of dwellings is equal to or exceeds 600 housing units.

- Works, buildings, and facilities completed for foreign States are the first international organizations, their public institutions, and concessionaires.

- Installations whose purpose is to produce, distribute, transport, and store energy.

When the delivery of his building permit in all other cases is under the competence of the President of the Municipal People's Assembly (article 49 of the 15 19 Decree).

- The municipality's only network examines the application for a building permit:

When the delivery of a license is under the competence of the Chairman of the Municipal People's Assembly or by the sole nets of the state in the remaining cases.

The application study examines whether the construction project conforms to the construction tools' directives

(POS Land Occupancy Scheme)

(Instructions of the PDAU PPR Directive)

Verification of compliance with applicable regulatory provisions in the field of security, hygiene, construction, aesthetic aspect, and environmental protection, as well as preservation of the agricultural economy (Articles 46 and 48 of Decree 15 19).

During the preparation of the building permit, the competent authority shall collect the consent and opinions of the public persons, interests, or associations concerned with the project, as appropriate (47 by Decree 15 19) the interests involved in the interests of the State in charge of the construction and civil protection interests, the interests of the historical and tourist places and monuments, and the interests of the State in charge of the environment.

These interests are required to respond to the request for consultation within the specified time limits, i.e. eight days after the request of Ray, or to consider her silence as consent (article 33 of Decree No. 91 176).

In all cases, the reply must be communicated within 20 days of the date of deposit. The request is accepted, rejected, or postponed. The reply must be justified. The postponement cannot exceed one year. The Administration may take a silent position and refrain from replying. The person concerned has therefore initiated the possibility of filing an appeal at two levels:

1. The appeal can be filed in the state.

2. The second, at the level of the Ministry in charge of urbanization, by the procedures mentioned above and dates, are entitled to submit a judicial invitation to the competent authority "Article 62 of Decree 15 19".

Lastly, it should be noted that if the permit is not considered null and void, it must submit a new application. (Article 57 of Decree No. 15 19) The work performed must conform with the provisions and measures contained in the corresponding license after the completion of the work. The latter shall be regarded as a means of subsequent control of the construction work.

Construction license application file:
Property contract, tenure contract, or administrative contract.

Site chart measurement (1/2000 or 1/5000).

Necessary schemes (1/200 - 1/500).

Distribution outline (1/50)

Retail license reference.

Detailed evaluation of the works.

Report on: Reception capacity, construction type, and nature of used materials.

Method of supply of potable water, electricity, sanitation, heating, and ventilation.

Describe the fittings and the level of noise they make.

Wali's decision for classified facilities.

Environmental impact assessment for industrial projects.

Filing Construction License Application:
The application file is deposited at the municipal level in 5 copies against a deposit receipt.

The file shall be transmitted to the interests of the State in charge of modernization within 8 days.

Study of building permit application:
The application is examined by the qualified local interests responsible for reconstruction in consultation with the interests of the other concerned sectors. The State Directorate of Reconstruction and Construction, in consultation with the interests of the other sectors, verifies the conformity of the project with the urban instructions applicable to the site contained in the reconstruction scheme, the directive scheme for the construction, and the land occupancy scheme.

Delivery of Building License:
The building permit shall be received by the mayor for a maximum of 3 months as a municipal representative and 4 months for other cases as a state representative.

by the Wali for the following projects:

Buildings and equipment completed for the state, state, and public institutions.

Production facilities, distribution, and storage of energy and strategic materials.

Buildings located in sectors not equipped with a land occupancy scheme, in the coastal strip, in cultural, historical, natural, and peasant sites.

By the Minister of Architecture:

for structural projects of a national or regional nature.

Construction License Shelf Life: 3 Years
The duration of the decision containing the building permit is usually 3 years renewable for regular buildings.

A building permit must be renewed if the specified period is exceeded.

A building permit shall be deemed invalid if the construction is not terminated within the time limit specified in the decision.

Publication of building permit:
A copy of the resolution containing the building permit must be published at the headquarters of the Municipal People's Assembly until the expiration of a period of one year and one month.

Every interested person has the right to access all geographical documents of the file.

During the construction period, the beneficiary of the building permit must add a visual painting from abroad showing the reference of the license, the date of start and end of the construction, and the nature of the construction.

Note: The building permit shall be revoked if the work is not started or the construction is not completed within the specified period.

Special fee on real estate licenses:
The delivery of the building permit is subject to payment of a fee valued at the commercial value of the building.

The attached image shows the fees to be paid.

Transferred from Zakaria charfi.

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