Common Royal Commons
Some notaries often make contracts in which, in the event of communism, the property is the property of a group of persons having a property relationship with the property or movable, as it is regulated by the Algerian legislature through articles 713 to 742 BC. M.L. ' c) For this,...
ContinueHow authentic a customary contract is and how to convert it into an official contract
Before purchasing the property, confirm in the real estate governorate if the property is anointed "Cadastré" or not anointed "Non-Cadastré", and is considered called from the date of writing of the receipt of the public land survey documents by the real estate governor.
Continuedemolition permit in Algeria
The application for a demolition permit is submitted by the owner or agent of the demolition building or by the occupying public authority of the building. The following documents must accompany the demolition license application
ContinueRetail Licence in Algeria
the property title. plan of the Place. Report on network treatment, noise ratio, and polluting emissions.Nature of occupation: population, housing, and employment. For water, electricity, gas, and transport needs.Easements and disadvantages. Environmental impact study, if applicable. Works: Technical specifications of the network, adaptation, costs, ...
ContinueProcedures for granting a certificate of conformity
Place of Deposit Application for Conformity Certificate .Conformity certificate request file . examination of the submission .Delivery of conformity certificate . Act No. 08-15 of 20 July 2008 established the rules for the conformity and termination of buildings . Conditions for the benefit of the settlement under this Law
ContinueDivision license in Algeria
Configure the order file in 5 copies. Deposit Application File. extraction. texts
ContinueCertificate of reconstruction in Algeria
Composition of reconstruction certificate application filePlace of filing of the reconstruction certificate applicationstudy the fileIssuance of the reconstruction certificateValidity of the reconstruction certificateFee on real estate licenses
ContinueCertificate of possession in Algeria
Receipt of the acquisition certificate in areas where land has not yet been surveyed and on land that has not yet been registered.• The certificate of possession shall be registered in the name of the owner, occupant or user of the property.• A non-transferable certificate of possession, which...
ContinueCluster scheme in Algeria
It is a simplified design with a miniature scale ladder showing the position, the boundary of the plot of land, the levels of land before and after works, landmarks, building space, construction height, fence if necessary, identifying the public road networks that serve the plot of land
ContinueSettlement of unclaimed properties during general survey work
Create a new account called "Unclaimed Properties during Survey Works" instead of the previously applicable anonymous account. Note No. 4060 concerning settlement of unclaimed properties during survey work